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Beep Kickball 2023

Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired and Alphapointe teamed up once again for our Beep Kickball league to provide children with vision impairments an opportunity to build social skills, stay active, play an adaptation of a beloved past time.

Beep Kickball is an adaptation of Kickball for those who are visually impaired, using a ball that beeps and two bases that buzz.

 There are several players on each team. On defense, all players wear a blindfold in the field and receive sighted spotter. One blindfolded offensive player places and kicks the beeping ball from home plate then runs to a buzzing base, either first or third. If the runner reaches the base before a fielder picks up the ball, they are safe and score a run. If a fielder picks up the ball first, the runner is out.

The league took place on every Saturday from September 16th - October 14th from 10a.m. - 11a.m. at Alphapointe.

 Beep Kickball was:

Inclusive - Adapted for the blind and visually impaired (ages 3-17)

Safe - One parent or guardian was required to stay for each game

Free - No costs are associated with participation

Opportunities like this are only possible through the support of Alphapointe and CCVI’s donor networks. This offering was 100% free to all children who wanted to participate and we’re grateful for our dedicated volunteers to make it possible. To stay up to date for next year, make sure you’re subscribed to our enews!