Parent Support


Here for every step


At Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired, supporting the whole family is part of the mission. Families are welcomed into a community of support where each individual journey is recognized as unique; however, every member knows they are not alone. A CCVI parent has the opportunity to master the necessary tools to help their child grow and thrive with helpful hands available along the way.

Educational programs for parents have included speakers from CCVI staff, national experts in vision impairment, and community resources for children with disabilities. Recent topics included using humor to manage the stresses of raising a child with special needs, making simple adaptations to facilitate teaching visually impaired children about their environment, and planning for appropriate care of special needs children in the parent's absence. 

Another unique way for parents and families to feel supported is by setting up a Friends & Family Team for CCVI’s biggest fundraiser, Trolley Run. Friends and Family Teams are the heart of the CCVI Trolley Run and are comprised of current students, alumni, volunteers, staff, friends, and supporters who collectively go the extra mile for CCVI!  Along with our annual fundraiser, throughout the year CCVI holds a several other events for our families to participate in, including Family Events!



Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired believes...

·       Children have a right to reach their highest potential.

·       Families provide the most significant role in the healthy development of a child.

·       CCVI volunteers and contributors most generously dedicate their time, talent, and funds.

·       Educating the community and advocating for children who are blind or visually impaired is a responsibility.

·       CCVI staff offers exceptional expertise, compassion, and hope for children who are visually impaired and their families.

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Family Events & More

When a child joins Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired, their family joins a community of parents in support of each other. Families unite under the CCVI mission and share a common goal of helping all children reach their highest potential.

Family Event nights are a great way for families to connect with each other, while also further connecting with their child during an evening of interactive learning. These events are different every time and can range from educational panels to exploring various types of toys specifically for children with visual impairments. 

Check out our annual calendar to see when the next Family Event is coming up.



A life-altering diagnosis can feel daunting. No one knows a child’s needs, personality, and capabilities like their parent; which is why an education at CCVI is collaborative. Parents are an integral part of the learning process and professionals at CCVI treat every parent as a resource. In return, parents can lean on CCVI as the blueprint for a child’s success takes shape. As a parent of a child with visual impairment, information is an ally. Find out more about common diagnoses, vision terminology, and medical professionals in the field below.

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Looking for more resources?

Check out our Parent Resource page for more information about CCVI, blindness, and resources in our area!